You know I watch all detective movies/shows/old time radio broadcasts as part of my training to be a little old woman who solves mysteries. Of course most of what I pay attention to in the end are the wardrobes. Stay tuned for the insanity that is the Columbo costume dept - including a cameo by Edith Head herself - and a post dedicated to Mrs. Fletcher's massive collection of Coach purses and Cowichan sweaters.
Today let us take a moment to consider perhaps the best dressed crime solving heroine since Nora Charles - Sally McMillan of
McMillan & Wife, 1971 - 1977. Susan St. James wears the hell out of some awful/amazing 70s ensembles and the best pantsuits ever onscreen.
Summery, w white lace-up espadrilles

white pantsuit w tubetop

She does the ribbon tied around the neck a lot. I did that all the time in high school. A wildly feminist teacher I had told me that it has the connotation of a dog collar and symbolized my desire to be controlled and degraded by men. What a load of crap.
Fitted glitter knit T

Blue velvet pantsuit

I wish I could get my hair to do this.. also best blouse ever.

Buffalo plaid pantsuit - must find.

Really good pixie cut on this waitress

Pretty much I wear this around the house/errands all the time - irish wool/old denim/60s hair

This glittery disco number is for a wake

Crochet & patent leather winter cap

That on the left is so MiuMiu a few years ago, no?

grey suit w oversize peach necktie

blanket skirt w overknee boots

Must find.
She does a lot of fitted long formal polyseter dresses too that don't screencap so well but look amazing.